PAMS Feature

Collection Centre Automation


PAMS delivers the catalyst for an entirely new business model for collection centres.  It breaks the mould of the traditional collection centre enabling new thinking and cost-effective technology solutions to be delivered through your collection centre network.  PAMS delivers simple yet sophisticated apps that are both easy to use for you collection centre staff and with a new advanced approach that eliminates errors and brings new efficiency to your lab operations.  PAMS enables you to design and deploy apps for your collection centres that give you control and visibility over each collection centre function.  Registering patients and patient orders can now be done efficiently, effectively and without error – eliminating the need for data entry at the lab.  Collections and sample transportation can be optimised to ensure the most efficient use of resources and consistent delivery of services.  PAMS leaves no room for error or misunderstanding.

  • Tailorable app style to suit your collection centre needs
  • Flexible, cost-effective technology platform
  • Enable new collection centre service models


Managing staff outside of the lab can be both challenging and time-consuming.  Collection centre staff often work on a part-time basis or may be shared between multiple locations, and as well as you plan day-to-day adjustments to scheduling and rosters will always be required.  PAMS provides a complete platform that enables you to allocate, manage and monitor your staff at each collections centre.  If you need to re-allocate resources, PAMS provides you with an integrated solution enables you to plan and respond to changing needs, and to remain in communication with you staff. Active alerts mean that you can proactively manage rather that being reactive to issues.

  • Centrally manage resource schedules and rosters
  • Simple and quick resource reallocation
  • Monitor staff activities & efficiencies
  • Optimise resource usage


PAMS provides you with an active view of all collection centre activities – you can monitor and manage the operations of each centre as it happens, with alerts highlighting potential issues requiring your attention.  PAMS provides you will total visibility of your collection centre network from the lab, meaning you can easily respond to changing needs and optimise collection centres to provide best efficiency or competitive advantage.  Using dashboards, alerts and notifications you will always be in control of your collection centre network, and when action is needed, PAMS management centres allow you to quickly respond.

  • Configurable dashboards with drill down support
  • Active alerts and notification with configurable triggers and rules
  • Management and action centres
  • Integrated communications


PAMS provides a integrated approach to managing staff competencies and the delivery of training requirements.   Core to PAMS is understand the importance of managing process, technique, handling and compliance to ensure optimal performance within the pre-analytical process.  Management of skills and competencies is of critical importance to ensuring quality and efficiency.  Delivering training to staff outside of the lab can be both costly and time consuming, and it is often difficult to know where training is needed or it should be targeted.  PAMS utilises the power of the mobile platform to enable you to deliver effective, self-paced multimedia training programs that can be targeted to specific staff needs.  With PAMS every user has a training device in their hands, and you can notify them of training requirements, monitor their progress and assess their competencies.  The new visibility provided by PAMS, enables you to understand where training is needed, allowing you to target specific training to specific topics and staff.

  • Centralised delivery of training, assessment and certification
  • Design and authoring of courseware
  • Integrated competency and certification
  • Analytics for understanding training requirements


Optimising collection centres can have a significant impact both in terms of operational costs and competitive positioning. PAMS provides you with the framework to better understand and manage your collection centre network, and to innovate to make the best and most competitive use out of each collection centre.  PAMS can provide you with the tools to change behaviour and drive patients to your collection centres and to change the way you interact with patients and ordering clinicians.  Through new service models you have the opportunity to optimise processes and make the most efficient use of each collection centre.